Testimonials 4

Here is a chronicle of one woman’s journey.  Her story begins 3 weeks after her first session, followed by two more writings later:

For a long time, 31 years, I have experienced much pain in the form of headaches. During the last 10 years, this has become an almost daily occurrence. It has become much more than just headache pain, an entire body of aches and pains. Getting up off the floor became difficult; any movement of any kind was not pleasant. But everybody wanted me to keep moving, exercising. It hurt so much to move, but I did keep up as much as I could, believing that it might help. I have been put on every kind of western drug that even offered the slightest relief. I found that maybe they worked for a short time, but always pain.

Doctors get tired of me pretty quick, and I moved from doctor to doctor wanting to find something that worked. At least 4 or 5 times, I was told that I probably had a brain tumor, but nothing showed in the MRI's. I learned how to find doctors that would keep me on medications that I could combine at home to get some relief. For example, one problem is, that my muscles tighten up and then I get a headache. So I found that I could take a muscle relaxer along with migraine medication and get SOME relief.  Mostly, I learned how to take over my allowable dose without overdosing.

There is a lot that goes along with the headache: depression, sensitivity to the slightest change in schedule, light, noise, food, exercising too much or too little, job stress, moving.  Friendships, taking trips, and being able to hold a conversation have become very troublesome. I have become totally drained of energy. This seems to me to be the worst, along with the depression.

At 14, I began my search for alternatives to traditional solutions. My first exploration was yoga and meditation. I have tried an endless list, with the most successful being cranial-sacral, myofasical release work, and a Navajo shaman healer (unfortunately, this ended in bankruptcy, but at the time it seemed a little price to pay to be pain free). I have lived pay check to pay check my entire life. Medications are costly even with insurance, for 9 pills it costs $50.00. Nine pills get me through half a month. And alternative solutions can be easily over $100.00 per week. The last 4 years, I gave up my vow to never take a daily preventive medicine. The sad thing is, that even with the preventive, I averaged 2 headaches a week with a low stress job. And headaches 5 or 6 times a week with a high stress job.

I have been alone on my path and have developed a very good relationship with God. I believe that I can heal. I do accept this as my greatest teaching.  I have been, told (books, doctors, friends, psychics and family) that I don't love, honor or respect myself.  But it is not true. My artwork tells me a different story about love and creation. My relationship with God is filled with much honor and respect (God being a part of myself). Others say that I want this, that I am holding onto this, so as not to face something or that it gives me attention. Again, I want, in my true heart of hearts, to be able to experience people and nature in this lifetime with joy and love. To see the beauty in each as I see the beauty in myself and God. For, in the present moment, to experience the beauty of the other being. In other words, to experience the God in you and the God in me.

Well, my prayers are being answered. I have been a different person since I began my work with Dr. John Holden, three weeks ago. First, and most important, I have energy. I can actually do an errand and not have to come home and lay down. Food shopping has become a fun time and not the dreaded chore along with hours of recuperation. The depression has also gone. I feel like I can begin to experience relationships with others without warning people that I can't be counted on to show up because I may have a headache. My dream has come true.

The most immediate effect that I felt after working with John was the incredible amount of movement and energy. I could bend down and walk across the room with ease. I am amazed that I became so fluid so quickly. What surprised me the most was that this feeling has stayed with me everyday this month. There are some days where it is a little difficult, but nothing like before.

Another very stuck feeling for me was fear. Afraid that I couldn't hold a job, that I would never be social again or have a friend. The fear entirely took over my every thought. This included driving in traffic, especially switching lanes. Everything had a huge negative impact on me. Walking out into the sunlight made me cringe. Well, here is another area of my being that was changed rather quickly. The fear and negativity have disappeared. This seems to come from both levels that I have observed that John works from. One level seems to be his work with foods, vitamins, minerals and allergies. The other level seems to be the work with the soul.

As far as the allergies, he is able to clear these. The problem is gone. The easiest one for me to note is my cat allergy. I used to sneeze all the time around Mingus and now, I don't. I know my body was depleted and not absorbing any nutrition because I had no energy and always felt hungry. I have great energy and I am excited about each day. Food is again a tasty delight. The first 2 weeks, I felt like I couldn't believe that these changes were going to continue. I would feel like Wow, but, but, but. Now there are no buts, and I feel stronger than I did after each visit.

The soul work that John does is the most profound and outstanding transformation that can happen to a being on this earth plane. I learned that the soul is the place where God is, and that I am not separate from that eternal love. The only thing that blocks me from that is my ego. My ego had a lot of power in my life, but once it sees itself for what it is, and understands what the energy of the soul is all about, the ego gets out of the way. It seems to shrink down because it too learns and feels from the incredible soul the all expansiveness of eternity and it knows that the soul place is true. And it feels so good that it has made me want to experience every moment of life from this extremely beautiful place of love.

I pray that each moment I can experience life from that place. Because I can now feel from there, I can experience life from a place of great beauty, peace and love. I want to be able to see each person I come in contact with from this place. John is showing me all of this and I am beginning to learn. I believe that he is the most amazing teacher who has much knowledge. Some of this understanding that he has is difficult to put into words because of the infinity of it. The more open you are to this work the more blessings will be experienced. This work is very individual and also universal.

I can't say, as of yet, that I am totally headache free, but I know that I will be able to say that at the end of my work with John. He knows how to heal and how to stimulate the body and mind in a way that heals itself forever.  I'm not sure of how John does his work. I feel stronger, more relaxed and a feeling of glowing with life, ready for adventure! I quit taking my preventative medication after my first visit. People have commented that I look good. I haven't had that compliment in 10 years.

I am truly thankful that John does his healing and I know that if I can improve this much in less than 3 weeks, that John can help me become totally pain free. John has given me a chance to fill the rest of my life with health and happiness, a precious gift that has been missing for 31 years. John, it is an honor to work with you. Your knowledge has saved my life. Thank you.



My work with John involves miracles and something more than that, maybe it would be best to say, miracles of transformation.  It all begins with the love of God within.  The more time I spend within this space, the more time it becomes my present state of being.  For, this is an answer to my prayers, to heal.

John is gentle and adept with his knowledge.  Each time, I am able to receive the gift of letting go and opening to my Soul.  John’s understanding of his talent is absolutely amazing.  The result for me, is that I can transcend.  This has inspired me to pursue a deeply fulfilling life.

I am better able to go to work in the morning with real joy.  I am able to be pain free for longer and longer, days at a time.  I am truly becoming a person who has found something that is within me, that is effortless and abundant.  It is teaching me how to greet each person and how to be with them.  Some of this experience includes observations and making conscious choices.

I am learning how to honor what has been and bring the God energy to each situation.  John has been instrumental in all the transformations.  He has shown me what is deep inside and how to access this energy with complete acceptance of who I am at each appointment.  there is so much information and knowledge that I am in wonder.

John’s special abilities quietly reminds your spirit of all the infinite possibilities that are available at each moment, the incredible ways of love.  This has truly been the blessing of all the work.  This love is what I am most thankful for.



Dear John,

I wanted to put into words how thankful I am for the journey that you have guided me through.  I finally made it to the state of Oneness with total support of peace, beauty, grace and truth.  I am amazed and humbled.

I have truly experienced the happiest day of my life.  This day occurred when I could finally step into the Love and Know that this is who I am.  I never felt such a profound sense of love so deeply.  I feel that every second of pain was well worth the time because in the end, I have been given the opportunity to experience the Love of Christ.  The profound knowledge that  I am not separate from this incredible state of being is opening me.  With more practice and guidance, I will be able to share this state with others by just my presence.  I could not ask for more.

Your caring and patience have been unfailing.  There are no words to express the love that I can recognize inside of me.  There are no words to express the excitement that I feel towards life and living.  there is only the sense of extreme gratitude that you are able to bring this state of awareness to people.  I am forever praying that your work will continue to change the world into the place where love is experienced in the way that dramatically changes the ordinary into the extraordinary.  The interesting thing is that it is already there and it just needs the guidance that you can offer.


Naya Raines, Albuquerque, NM

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